Terms & Conditions


Whilst the Wigan Borough Business Crime Pastnership (‘WBBCP’) makes every effort to keep the information on its website accurate, it disclaims any warranty or representation, express or implied about its accuracy, completeness or appropriateness for a particular purpose. As a user of this website, you assume full responsibility for using information on our website, and you understand and agree that neither the WBBCP nor any of its employees are responsible or liable for any claim or damage resulting from its use.

Terms & Conditions

Each member is responsible for the safe care of the information contained in the members area.

This means:

  1. You must not print off any of the images or information contained therein.
  2. You must not display any images or information from the ‘member’s area’ in any part of your premises that is accessible to the general public.
  3. Images or information contained in the ‘members area’ must only be shown to members of your staff or those persons engaged soley for the purpose of providing security to your property or protection to your staff.
  4. You should ensure that all members of your staff and those persons engaged soley for the purpose of providing security to your property or protection to your staff are acquainted with the basic principles of the data protection act 1998 and their responsibilities regarding the safe handling of any information disclosed to them.